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Pop-Up Keypads not Popping Up

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Hi. I am using a V570-57-t20, with a v200-18-e1b snap in I/O and a few additional I/O modules connected via EX-A2X. I have the program installed and running on the first of three installations. I have downloaded the same program to two different V570's that I have on my desk. With the two V570's that are not installed, any button that should trigger a keypad pop-up, just makes the screen flicker briefly, but no other change. Any ideas why? I have tried connecting all the physical i/o modules to match the hardware configuration in the program. I have tried removing a modbus config. function and "com init" function for com port 2( my thinking was that maybe it was hungup trying to establish communications from an empty port) Neither fixed the problem. I tried accessing the info screen, but when the keypad pops up for the password, the screen reacts as if the keypad screen is not actually there(underlying buttons get activated upon touch). Everything else seems to function normally.

I then downloaded an unrelated application to one of the desk top V570's, all pop-up keypads seem to be working fine, which leads me to believe the problem is with my application. Don't understand why it would work on the installed V570, but not on the desk top one???? Could there be a system bit or integer that I have inadvertently altered?

I'll keep looking, but any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.


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Some things to look for..........

Are you making any screen calls in your ladder? If so make certain they are all one-shotted. You might have a situation where you are re-invoking the same screen over and over again.

Are you writing to system bits? Some system bits control or affect the behavior of the screen.

Look at these for control and status


SB17 through SB39




Happy hunting!

If all else fails, post your program and we'll help you dig.

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Hi Damian

I had a lot of problems recently with a touch screen button with jumps to various displays.

To solve this I had to stop and initialise the plc after I loaded a new program to the PLC.

It seems that some MB's will remain high from a previous program and will not reset if they are only linked to a touch element.

Hope this helps.



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Hi Damian

I had a lot of problems recently with a touch screen button with jumps to various displays.

To solve this I had to stop and initialise the plc after I loaded a new program to the PLC.

It seems that some MB's will remain high from a previous program and will not reset if they are only linked to a touch element.

Hope this helps.



I have never experienced the problem myself. Usually when people new to Visilogic have these problems it is related to screen calls in the ladder that are not one-shotted. Sometimes it is also because they press a button on screen A that takes them to screen B and their finger is still on the screen under a new button that might call a different screen. Goofy things like that.

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Thanks everyone for your input....I found the issue....I had added some alarm triggers in my ladder logic, but didn't finish configuring all of the alarms. Turns out I had an active "Show Alarm" function block, but there there was no alarm configured for the ID# specified, so it didn't appear on the screen. I could navigate through various screens no problem, but any fields/buttons that required pop-up keypads were not functional....Now I know.



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