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v1210 and saving multiple trends to an SD card

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I am working on a project that requires recording the trending data from 4 separate trends to the SD Card. They want to record the data "no less than once every 5 minutes". I based my code off of the program in the examples file in the help menu and was able to get a single trend screen to record (I did it on the v570 for testing) based on a series of timers. The code worked fine however when I used the identicle code for the v1210 (setting up a single trend screen for recording) my start->trend SD Status message reads 256 which I assume is "failed to open file". Does anybody have any pointers on getting the trends to record to the SD card for a v1210?

I would export the subroutine and attach it to this post but it won't let me export due to "elements that refernce Named Constants"

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