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IDE: Undo is useless


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Undo in IDE is now useless - please change it or fix it.

For example:

1) I'm moving something on screens. Ups, I moved wrong - then I press Ctrl+Z, and... yes - I can't undo moving, but I can undo downloading program to PLC??

2) Changing parameters of elements on screens - not possible to undo

3) Editing ladder - not possible to undo

What undo is for? Only for undo delete or undo undo?? (yes - i have options in undo to undo undo (???)).

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Just about "Undo downlad"? How exactly you expect this to work?

Download wverwritesthe existing application. This application is lost. In many cases thhis application is protected by password and cannot be uploaded without special premission.

What exactly Undo needs to do in such case?

I hope understanding better your idea we can issue some solution...

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Just about "Undo downlad"? How exactly you expect this to work?

Download wverwritesthe existing application. This application is lost. In many cases thhis application is protected by password and cannot be uploaded without special premission.

What exactly Undo needs to do in such case?

I hope understanding better your idea we can issue some solution...

I think that is exactly his point. Since download is obviously a non-reversable process, why does it show up as an option under the UNDO?

Try it yourself. Do a download and then select the download in the UNDO list. If you go back to the undo list it shows that it processed the UNDO? But what did it actually do? It shouldn't do anything. It shouldn't even show up on the list in the first place.

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I agree wholeheartedly, the lack of a proper "Undo" function is a major source of frustration when using the HMI editor. In any other piece of software, "Undo" undoes whatever your last action was, but in VisiLogic it seems to apply to only a very limmited subset of actions. If I accidentally move an object out of position, getting it back is a big pain. That combined with the lack of a configurable alignment grid and a proper "snap to grid" function makes the HMI editor the most painful I've used.

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