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I am looking to use an existing data table to trigger a data export function on my V570.

For example i want to export the data via the ethernet connection when 5 rows of data have been logged. Is there a way i can read the number if rows that are written to, to trigger an event? Or will i need to add a separate sequence pointer to log keeo track of the logged data?


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  • MVP 2023

You will need to write logic that monitors the row pointer and take the difference from a separate buffer pointer. When the difference is >= 5, trigger your export and copy the row pointer to your buffer pointer.

You didn't say whether you only wanted to export the 5 rows or the whole table. If you only want to export the 5 rows, you'll have to come up with a place to copy them before you export, like a small dedicated data table.

Just out of curiosity, what is the data export function you want to use?

Joe T.

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