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Hi guys,

I hope someone can point me in the right direction!

A question that's probably been asked many times over;

I have a V350 and the help files say there are built-in alarm screens, but where?

I have configured some alarms but don't see the actual alarm screens anywhere.

Looking to have an alarm list with stamps for active and clear.

Thanks in advance.

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You can use a bit or any set of conditons to access the different alarms screens using a function block. Within VisiLogic click on the drop down menu Utils/ Alarms/ Show Alarms function block. The show alarms function block can show Alarms in group, Alarms Details, or Alarms history depending on which you wish to view. Once you access the Alarms screen, you can easily access the others.

I have also linked a useful PDF that one of our Moderators created to help view alarm screens.


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