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Need a solution for loop powered Fisher valve

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I have a customer that has "sprung" the installation of a pneumatic actuated Fisher V6100 series valve. The valve is a modulating valve to be run from a 4-20ma signal. Here is my problem the valve requires 10Vdc minimum to be able to actuate at all. The Unitronics is not a loop power capable device and does not send out 10VDC untill about 18ma (or so).

I am using a V570 with an IO-Ai4-AO2 remote module to try and actuate this (I also have a V200-18-E6B module). Since the PLC is not able to provide what the valve needs. I need a best suggestion on what hardware anyone has used to isolate/amplify an output 4-20ma signal that is capable of providing the r4equired loop power.

Any help is welcome

Thanks all


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I have the same problem with Spirax Sarco pneumatic positioners. I use the Seneca K109UI to overcome this problem but most isolating transmitters should cope.


The K121 might also work for 4-20mA and is cheaper for me.


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