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rndis/ethernet gadget on win8


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  • MVP 2014

Have you installed the UniStream software before plugging in the controller?


As far as I am aware, the driver is installed with the software.


Having said that I have seen a similar problem on Windows 8 even after installing UniStream, so I am especially interested in what you encounter.

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Here is a step by step guide on how to unsigned drivers (UniStream USB) on Windows V8.1:

Move your mouse courser to the upper right part on the screen

Select settings ->Change PC settings->Updates and Recovery > Recovery > Under “Advanced Startup” > Restart now.

Now the system will restart and might take some minutes to show up the boot menu.

You will be prompted with a menu with following options.

- Continue

- Troubleshoot

- Turn off

Choose Troubleshoot

Then the following menu appears.

- Refresh your PC

- Reset your PC

- Advanced Options

Choose Advanced Options

Then the following menu appears

- System Restore

- System Image Recovery

- Automatic Repair

- Command Prompt

- Windows Startup settings

Choose Windows Startup Settings, then Click Restart.

Now the computer will restart and the boot menu appears.

Choose Disable Driver signature Enforcement from the menu by using your keyboard numbers.

Windows will start and you can do the installation of the driver that is not signed.

If UniLogic still cannot detect the USB driver, Go to Network Adapters > Right Click on RNDIS Gadget/USB Ethernet > Update driver > Brows my computer… > Manually search from the path C:\

I hope it helps..

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