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In a project that I'm working on i have a pressure sensor and and temperature (RTD) sensor connected, i went through the linearization process and for the pressure sensor everything went as a charm with the 14bit. But I'm having some serious difficulties over RTD sensor witch is a pain in the a.s. I can't get it linearized, i tried with 10, 12, 14 bit linearization with the linearization function block and no way i can get the right readings.


I'm not sure if it is possible to get the readings directly from the RTD assigns MI or there is no other way but linearization.




thanks in advance 


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  • MVP 2014

When you configure an RTD, the linked MI contains the actual temperature value, scaled to tenths of a degree.  eg value 254=25.4degrees.


There is no need for additional linearisation.  Just make sure you use the correct coefficient value for your RTD.

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When you configure an RTD, the linked MI contains the actual temperature value, scaled to tenths of a degree.  eg value 254=25.4degrees.


There is no need for additional linearisation.  Just make sure you use the correct coefficient value for your RTD.

Thanks Simon


That was helpful, i tried that and partially worked, because when temperature goes to higher values ti gets good readings, when it goes to lower values than it stuck in 85 c 


Good readings at 120 c and above bad readings at 85 and below in between values is ok.

I have a manometer connected in the same fistula so i can compare the readings from PLC and manometer.


PS the temperature in manometer goes to 55 c while in plc is stuck on 85 c




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