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Copying software / project from Jazz to Jazz Unit


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Hello everyone,


we will have 2 new machines in our Company for textile processing. Both are controlled by a Jazz Unit. These 2 machines will have the same model no, but they have little differences in the handling from the software side.


So we wanted to "copy" the "jazz Project" (Software) from one Jazz to the other.


First surprise: One machine ist controlled by a Jazz model JZ10-11-T17 (only Serial port (optional)), the other one by a Jazz model JZ20-T18 (USB).


So we asked the german Jazz Distributor, if this will work using the u90ladder Software.


No Problem was the answer!


Now we did it today and also upload from jz10-11-t17 and download to jz20-t18 worked FINE - without Errors in the u90ladder I mean. The only thing was, that I had to change the hardware configuration from the project for the older jazz to the new one to proceed download.


Now we did it 2 times and also tried to download the "original" (backuped before) Project / program to the jz20-t18


But the jazz unit will only "boot" / start to the Information mode, also after power off and using Run? and Reset commands of the Information mode. The program for controlling textile processing is not starting!


Display will Show only "Eingang (Entry) -> (i)".


Press and hold < i > button then will show the Information mode - that's all. Like I said, same after Power Off, reset and so on ...


The hungarian manufacturer can't help us fast (enough), the german Jazz distributor doesn't have an idea yet!





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of course, our hope was that we can solve the problem without the manufacturer.


But it looks like, it will be any kind of "copy protection".


So I think you're right, we have to solve the problem with the manufacturer ...



Best regards


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