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Hi Dave, 

I have included links to the specification sheets for the SM43 units. These can be found in the Support section of the Unitronics webpage under "technical library"


http://www.unitronics.com/docs/technical-library/specificationssm43.pdf?sfvrsn=0 (SM43-J-R20)




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Hello Dave,


Please ensure you have the most up-to-date VisiLogic.  Within the HW Configuration, please select the "Samba" tab, and the options for choosing either the SM35 or the SM45 will appear.  Once you have chosen the samba model (SM45 in your case) you will be prompted to choose the appropriate IO for that device (T20 or R20).


1 13 2015 12 00 17 PM


Let us know if this helps.

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