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As my topic says I am beginner with V570, so need information about distance control this controller, I think it would be good some information about SCADA and Ethernet communication realizations. 


For my project I am using SD card, so if it possible I want to edit , run, stop projects from a distance.


Distance, I mean that I could edit program , erase , upload, download project to/from PLC without any programming cable. It's like programming PLC from another city. It is possible to do something and if it is, so what I need ?


It is possible to remotely connect to our controllers for operator or programming through Ethernet. If connecting to a distant controller in another city/state/country you would need to set up port forwarding with the IT department at the PLC's location.


Port forwarding will allow you to connect to a global public IP address of a router, which can then bridge the connection down to a local level such as a PLC or PC.

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