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Losing Date/Time on V1210

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Just got a call from my customer, seems the date/time on the V1210 has reset itself.  Program is all intact, but the date is now wrong.


I am positive it was correct when I left last week.  What keeps the date/time accurate in the machine?  I'm going to send him a program revision to let him edit date/time, but seems like something we should only need to set once.


This machine is used intermittently and when they leave it, they just turn the power off - is there something I need to have them do first?

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Hello Mikah,


If the date and time where reset after power off then this could mean that the battery is runing low.

please tel him to check the status of SB8. if it is 1 this means the batter is low and it will be good idea to change it.

The application may remain intact becouse you or your client have dowload and burn the application to the PLC.


To change the battery, so he does not loose any data from the operands, he can doit will the V1210 is power on.

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Hello Mikah,


If the date and time where reset after power off then this could mean that the battery is runing low.

please tel him to check the status of SB8. if it is 1 this means the batter is low and it will be good idea to change it.

The application may remain intact becouse you or your client have dowload and burn the application to the PLC.


To change the battery, so he does not loose any data from the operands, he can doit will the V1210 is power on.


Thanks for the information.  I will add an indicator for SB8 and send him a new screen.  That sounds like the right type of issue, will post back with an update.

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Confirmed, battery is dead.  Since I am offsite and there is no remote access (other than me emailing new versions of the program for them to install), can I directly manipulate SI 33-38 to allow the user to reset the time?


Probably going to try it before this even gets approved, but at least I tried to ask permission first! :)

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Yes, you can drive SI 33 - 38.


You can also be really brave and tell him how to set the time via Info mode.


Joe T.


That's a bold move, Joe - I think that's out of my comfort zone. :)  Thanks for the response, though - new battery + time set should have us all squared away!!

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