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Uppgraded to latest version of Visiologic today.


When i try to pick a tank picture in my project i got this message, se attached  jpg  ( screenshot )


Afterwards i made a copy of Tanks lib from data folder to new position and renamed it to  TamksBG  it worked.


Is this an bug in the new version   9.7.60 build 00  ??



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Hello Sir,


Thank you for contacting us.

We'll make sure with our R&D to fix this issue in VisiLogic.

Meanwhile you can solve this issue as follow:

In C:\Program Files (x86)\Unitronics\Unitronics VisiLogic_C\Data\ImagesC\EMF, copy both folders Tanks & TanksBG to the next path:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Unitronics\Unitronics VisiLogic_C\Data\ImagesC


I hope it helps.

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