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I was curious if I am missing something. It is possible to latch a button on the V1040 instead of tying a MB for when it is touched to another MB that actually Sets and Resets? It would make logical sense to me to have this functionality.






Hello Dan,


In order for a button to 'latch' a bit, you must do so with the method you described above: on the positive transition of the button push, set another bit in the ladder.  Doing this directly from the button is not available as of now in the VisiLogic software, it is only available in the UniLogic software.



 Would selecting the "toggle" function not do this for you? You would have to use a "Binary text/switch" function versus a standard button.

Creating a button with the toggle function ON would allow you to touch the button on the HMI once causing it's (MB) bit value to go high and remain high. Touching the same button after that would make the MB go to its low (OFF) state.



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