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NON-enhanced Vision question

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  • MVP 2023

Is there any way to determine if the program in a NON-enhanced Vision PLC (V120) matches the VisiLogic file without forcing it to match by downloading? In an enhanced Vision product VisiLogic will abort the download if they match, but this doesn't happen with a V120.

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Yes, there are two possible ways to compare programs for the Standard Series controllers, such as the V120.


The first method is to perform a Verify operation, under the communications menu. This will compare the Ladder, Ladder Parameters, HMI, HMI Fonts, Timers, counters, Hardware configuration, Functions blocks, Data Tables, and Upload data. It will show it it matches or if it does not, but will not indicate specific differences.


The second method is to use VisiDiff which can be found under the Tools menu in VisiLogic. This compares two VisiLogic program files to one another but will show in greater details the differences between the two programs. VisiDiff can not be used to compare a program that is currently within a controller.

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