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Export / Translate / Import HMI Texts


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I have to add to an existing project a 2nd HMI language. changing the texts on the HMI on the fly.

Is there a way to export all existing texts (also the alarms), translate them and to load them back into the project?

I am trying to find something on the YouTube channel, but I seem to be too blind for it...


Thanks in advance!

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It doesn't appear on the YouTube Channel, but on UniLogic go to the Languages tree node.

On the languages grid, click the hyperlink of the requested language.


On the contextual tab (Ribbon tab, that appears on specific context), you should see a tab called Languages.

You can Export the text of that language to Excel, and Import it back.


The excel file contains 2 tabs, HMI and Alarms.

After you translate the czech/german text (or whatever language), then you can import it back to UniLogic.

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