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Creating y=f(x) graph where x is not = time

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Vision V350 has a good trend display library but I could not find a ready to use library to plot XY graphs where X does not means the time axis.


Sometimes you might need to relate two values like temperature X pressure in a graph form in order to make a better process analysis for instance and proposed solution shows a method to create a cursor and move that cursor in a plot area in accord two distinct values like shown below:




These two links below are about how to control the fan cooler PWM signal using a PLC (theory and practice) and the second one approaches the graphic design method.


Part 1 - theory

Part 2 - practise (Ladder and downloadable files)


In time: All videos included in the post have English captions so you just need to enable them.


Folks, I am not English native speaker so if you have tips and hints and fixes, please do not hesitate tell me what to improve.


Thank you and hope it helps.


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