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Hello everybody


I'm currently training and my boss ask to familiarize myself with VisiLogic, it took some time but I'm coming.


But here big problem, now my boss ask me to program a V430-J-T2-N for controlling SmartMotor home Animatics (a SV23165DT to be precise) it based on the program it already uses,

but impossible to establish communication between the V430 and the motor via the COM1 in RS232 ...


Someone should he ever had this problem or have an idea of where it can come ?


Thanks (Sorry, my English is very approximate).

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  • MVP 2023

You will need to become very familiar with the Protocol block, which will allow you to output whatever you want out of the RS232 port.   


Do you have the protocol guide for the device you're trying to talk to?  I'd recommend determining the strings you'll need for the device and then practicing with a terminal program connected to the PLC instead of the device so you can get your code right.


Joe T.

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Hi Joe,

I've read all I have find on the Protocol block and I think that i'm ok whit it.

If by protocol guide you talk about the commands list, yes i have it but it does'nt help me :-/ 


I send you my VisiLogic progam,  you have more experience than me, you will probably find my errors :-)


Thanks again.


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I don't know if it's a sending or a receiving problem, the V430 just say me that the communication fail and my motor doesn't move. So I think  that it's more the sending.


The V430 is just connected to the motor, to nothing else.


I don't know the serial buffer monitor in the Info Mode, I use VisiLogic since a few time. But i use the USB port to progam the V430 and the Port 1 in RS232 to talk with the motor and i know that the Port 1 doesn't work if the USB port is connected. Can I still see the serial buffer monitor in this case ?




Thanks again Joe,

hope we'll find the problem.

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First of all after downloading application or performing any communication with VisiLogic, please make sure that you are activating the COM INITand  protocol you are using to communicate with the motor. 

Then as Joe mentioned you can monitor the communication (transmit & receive messages)in INFO mode.

in order to get to the Monitor do the following:

Touch the screen for 4 seconds

select "Enter INFO mode"

default passowrd is 1111

select Serial

select monitor (button at the bottom right)

There you should be able to view the TX and RX.

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Thanks to have teach me how accessed to the info mode Ofir :-)


I've try and find TX RX infos, the TX change but the RX keep to 0, so no answer of the motor.

However, the communication between my PC and the motor works perfectly. I don't see from where can the problem come :-/

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  • 2 weeks later...
I find from where comes the problem...

My colleague have given me a suitcase with "all I need" but in the suitcase, the serial cable was a RJ11 and for the V430 we need a RJ12 ...

So my program is good and works :-) I juste have a problem when I take the machine's original location because I need to block my motor and it reset my V430 :-/ I will see that.


thanks again for your help and good continuation at you :-)

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