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-1 status when sending e-mail


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I've setup email but i'm receiving the following error:



General COM Error. Please check the physical connections.


Note: Not sure if it matters but i'm connected via mobile broadband with static IP. Remote connection with VNC and Unilogic is working fine. 

I've also tried various DNS setups.

Optus Mobile Broadband: http://www.optus.com.au/business/support/answer/fixed-mobile-broadband-ip-addresses-email-tech-settings-ports?requestType=NormalRequest&id=1421&typeId=5



Can anyone elaborate on what this error means and how to fix it? 


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  • 2 years later...

i using the Gmail SMTP and receive Error -1 

i using correct DNS and i ping it from unistream PLC ,i using correct gateway

i use smtp.gmail.com:465 server

i also enabled gmail third party connection and check it with my out look 

can it be that this service was changed or google block it ?

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i found the issue !!!

google permit sending 100 email per day and close the SMTP access for 24 hours when pass this restriction

if the logic to send email is drive by "Direct Contact" and not "Positive Transition Coil" the logic will send email every PLC loop and block the account immediately ...

i think the sending email need to improve with function that will limit sending quotas to prevent the PLC to block the account when logic problem is accrued  

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