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Temperature controll

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • MVP 2023

I actually ran into this on a test fixture designed for vacuum cleaners.  Moisture content of the air was part of the power calculation.

Here is a paper on the equations needed to do what you want:


Look through the equations and you see exponents are involved in getting the saturation vapor pressure.  This math is beyond what a Jazz is designed to do.  Floating points are needed.

Unless you're really a glutton for punishment.  Google "Taylor Series Expansion of Exponential Functions", which can probably be done in a Jazz.  Many, many moons ago I did this in a Siemens PLC to calculate cosine.

However, if you ask me to provide an example of how to do a Taylor Series in a Jazz I will reach through the Internet and choke you. :lol:

Joe T. 

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