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TCP/IP Connection unavailable


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Hey guys,

I'm using the following piece of code to connect to a Vsision V570 PLC.

public void Connect(string ip)
                var ethernet = new Ethernet(ip, 20257, EthProtocol.TCP, 3, 3000);                
                PLC = PLCFactory.GetPLC(ethernet, 1);
                Debug.WriteLine($"Connection successfull");
            catch (Exception ex)

Most of the time it works, but every now and then I get the following exception:

A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond

SB168 is set on.

SI 103 - 106 are set to 30.

SI 107 - 110 are set to 0.

On the PLC in the Info menu > Ethernet > Parameter Summarize: Connect = YES. This leads me to think that sometimes when I close the application the connection remains on, and I have to reboot the PLC to be able to reconnect from the SCADA PC.

What should I try?

Thanks :)

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