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Unilogic help files


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Any idea if/when the Unilogic help database will be updated to include text/diagrams of every unilogic function?  The array's section has functions that I can NOT find specific descriptions/examples in the help files. Maybe I am missing it. I learned PLC programming on AB MicroLogix and started using Visilogic with ease. Talk about hitting the ground running (sprinting even). My first project in unilogic is proving to be very challenging. There are several features I realize are superior in Unilogic and appreciate! However I am finding several functions that were present in Visilogic that are NOT in Unilogic. I understand progress and advancement have a precedence to keep a competitive edge in the market. In my humble opinion when you roll out something new it's nice to have all the function and utility of it's predecessors (Visilogic). I miss the MODBUS R/W mixed data; while not a standard defined MODBUS function it greatly simplifies data exchange in a system that is built exclusively with Vision PLC's. No more drum sequencer. No more Function in Progress bit. Granted these functions can be logically constructed in Unilogic, I don't see how this saves me time in project development. Guess this is the feedback you get from an old school guy who is a PLC programmer and NOT a computer (C language) programmer.


P.S. Some kind of field descriptor on the function blocks where tag entries go would be awesome. A,B,C,D,etc... Don't mean much to me. Ezample: the linearize block, had to go to the help to see what goes where. In leiu of A,B,C,D fixed descriptirs like IN, X1, X2, Y1, Y2, OUT would be nice.  All blocks have the alpha field desrciptors and they can mean many different things. I guess as it stands until you get on top of the learning curve unilogic is not quite the time saver it is once you have intensively read and memorized the help files.

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  • MVP 2023
On 12/2/2016 at 11:11 PM, hotwires said:

P.S. Some kind of field descriptor on the function blocks where tag entries go would be awesome. A,B,C,D,etc... Don't mean much to me. Ezample: the linearize block, had to go to the help to see what goes where. In leiu of A,B,C,D fixed descriptirs like IN, X1, X2, Y1, Y2, OUT would be nice.  All blocks have the alpha field desrciptors and they can mean many different things.

Did you try hovering your mouse cursor over the A,B,C,D fixed descriptors?

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