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 I have been struggling on this project for work.  It is an automated assembly station.  I am still very green when it comes to programming.  I went through what I had tonight and tried to make it work. Would anybody be kind enough to look thru my code and give me some pointers?  Maybe tell me what I am doing wrong.  I haven't had any formal training so I would like advice from some pros.   

I have attached the subroutine.  Thank you in advance.




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  • MVP 2023

Please list what your sequence is supposed to be.  Can't really troubleshoot code if we don't know what it's supposed to do.

You've written a classic bit banger, which is the first instinct of a new programmer.  As you've learned, they often don't work because they get themselves into a state that you didn't consider, and fixing that state requires piling on more coils and contacts.

I replied to you on this same topic last October-


Go back and look that over, see if you can implement what I've put in the example and post your work.  

Joe T.

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