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Hi all,

Halfway through a download to my V430 PLC over USB, the power to the PLC was cut off.

When I tried to turn the PLC back on again, the screen wont turn on.

Is there a way to factory reset the PLC? Do I need to remove the battery?

Thanks in advance.


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What I recommand you is the following:
Turn OFF the PLC-->click and hold the touchscreen-->turn ON the PLC (it will enter to factory mode-->check the communication PLC to PC.
If there is communication: update the PLC OS:

follow the below procedure:

  • Go to connection menu>Communication & O/S> 4th tab check the current version> in the opned window: click on 'next' buttins in order to download OS  to the PLC. 




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  • MVP 2023


On 4/6/2017 at 5:00 AM, liranaftali said:

Turn OFF the PLC-->click and hold the touchscreen-->turn ON the PLC (it will enter to factory mode-->check the communication PLC to PC.
If there is communication: update the PLC OS:


For additional information on what to do when a Unitronics goes weird, search the Help for "bootstrap".

Joe T.


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