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Remote operator function keys


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I had a question about the function keys in the remote operator app for android. Can they be somehow linked to the function keys on a PLC (vision 560).  The function keys on our a plc are used to switch between different pages in program and i would like to have the same ability when i use the app.

When i use remote operator on my pc this is no problem so i hope same can be achieved with the android app.  

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Hi Ausman,

I have, back before i used remote operator so i don't know if that makes some difference. I changed to negative transition because i want the button released when the next page is loaded. The function keys are also used on a page so this way i only needed 6 negative contact instead of a lot of positive contacts.

With a bit of luck i will have time on Friday to do some testing.

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  • MVP 2023
6 hours ago, LeonMötter said:

I have, back before i used remote operator so i don't know if that makes some difference. I changed to negative transition because i want the button released when the next page is loaded. The function keys are also used on a page so this way i only needed 6 negative contact instead of a lot of positive contacts.

Hi  Leon, perhaps your wording above is wrong, but this is actually best done by having a positive.....using a negative will only load the page after the button is released.  And looking at your screenshot, I think that you could do without any type of transitional contact....just use normal ones.  If they are active the entire button push time it won't matter as you are still directing to your screen all the time  edit...I just realised that if you are using the same button on the next screen this will become active....hmmmmm...put in a link to stop the button push once the screen has changed?  Don't use that button on the called screen?  hmmm.  And FYI, my initial suggestion to try positives is that there may be some sort of timeout going on which is upsetting things when using a negative transition.  Remote Op and Remote Access often don't behave exactly  the same as doing things physically...that's why my suggestion of not using transitionals.

Also,  your statement about "function keys are also used on a page" seems a little odd.  If you are using function keys on various pages, you should have discrimination built in to your program so that button pushes only apply to the items you want on that particular page.  If you don't have this, your button pushes will be operating everything they are linked to throughout your program.



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Hi Ausman,

I think my wording is right i might have not been specific enough. The main reason for me using the negative (or positive contacts for that matter) is i like efficient running programs. So in this case using the negative contacts means the screen call happens only once when the button is released, and any logic that is linked to function buttons on the loaded screen will happen only when the button is pressed again. When i used normal contacts on the screen (and positive contacts for the logic on the screen) the program worked just fine with the only exception that i could see that a page was loaded multiple times, and i did not liked how it looked.

The same could be achieved by using only positive contacts, but when i compile the program i always get warnings about using to much positive and negative contacts and that i could improve performance by using less. So in this case i was actively looking where i could get rid of positive contacts for normal contacts. Putting the negative contacts on the screen call let me get rid of the positive contacts that i had on the screen that was loaded. Still get the warning so i don't no if it helped.

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  • MVP 2023

All good thinking.  To eliminate excess transitionals, you might want to consider having the function keys trigger an MB via a transitional in a permanently running part of your program.  This way you only have 6 transitionals for any of the 6 function keys in the entire program.  edit...or 12 if you have both types!   You then use the MB instead of the direct key action, wherever you want, and have it subject to the same screen specific constraints.

For a bit more insight into some of the issues encountered with RA, have a look at this: 




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  • MVP 2023

Apart from trying the MB minimisation of transitionals I suggested above, it looks like it is over to the creators again. Perhaps it is a gliche. 

As I said, I think there are a few things that don't work quite right using any type of remote access, and likely due to timing constraints.  Imagine a thing happening on one scan only being registered correctly.   Hmmm....it should........but maybe it doesn't quite want to play correctly as it is easily missed.



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Thanks for the suggestions anyway.

I am also working on the MB minimization. Over the past week i have been looking at all the screen calls and  function keys connected to certain screens and found that i could simplify and shrink a lot of ladder nets. Basically what has happened is that this program i started writing 2,5 years ago and over that time period there where a lot of functions and features added and some discarded so maybe there is something else that i have been overlooking.

One thing i also have not tested is if it would work from a different phone. Until now i only tested using my own phone, so maybe that can give some further information.

*just tested another android device, results are the same

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