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Does V1210 PLC's Web server sopports bootstrap framework and new html 5 stuff?

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Hi Enrique;


The Vision Series Web Server feature is VERY   Basic.

Text ONLY,  You can create pages for text, display variables,  modify variables, display strings, and enter strings.

Not much , but useful for basic   what is happening here and simple set point changes from afar.

If you want to have a full featured Web Server in your PLC, go to the UniStream Line.  

Check out the UniStream Videos on the Webserver on YouTube.    


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There is an application for a more graphical Webserver based on the V350 Series. and uses a  SD Card. This is a locked set of subroutines written by a programmer years ago.

They cannot be exported, so you have to use that as the starting point and change the PLC model, and built your own control logic on top of it.

Look under Technical Support-Tools and Applications-Complex WebServer

Just be prepared to scratch your head a lot. There is not a lot of support information about it beyond what is provided in the zip file, and old forum posts.




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