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Project has too many fonts, is there a good way to rectify this?

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So I'm currently in the process of adapting an old program to fit our current needs for my work, but after adding things to it it's giving me an error saying there are 18 fonts when only 15 are allowed. I've manually gone through and counted and there are only 3 that I can see, but I'm at a loss as to how to go from here.

Is there any quick fix to this or am I going to have to redo the HMI completely?

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  • MVP 2023

My suggestion is to download a blank project, then re-download the project giving you problems. Also, make sure the firmware on the PLC is up to date.

Also, in the Fonts Handler in VisiLogic, press the "Delete All Unused" button to make sure you've cleared out everything.

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