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Every touch changes the pixel coulor / Samba SM43 J

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Hello everyone, 

I am very new in programming with Visilogic. Everything is fine despite the fact that the coulor of the pixels change if I touch the display. 

These marks will be deleted if i switch between the screens. I dont know why this happens because it is really annoying but i couldn't found anything on the internet to stop this.

I hope someone can help me!

Best regards



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  • MVP 2023

I've never seen this happen. Assuming you don't have some strange elements on your HMI display, do the following:

1) Confirm you have the correct firmware on the PLC to match the VisiLogic version you are using.

2) Download a blank project file to the PLC.

3) Re-download your project to the PLC and see if the problem still exists.

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