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  • MVP 2023

Hmmm.  I have never had that issue.  But whenever I have changed a drum parameter, it is always done as new program name.  I do a compile, and then if ok I save as a different name and then do the download.  (No matter how small a change, I always do sequential program saves so that I can always reference something older if needed.)  Maybe this is the issue if you are simply changing numbers?

Have you also tried an Initialise and Reset via Connection/Communication & OS/2nd tab/Bottom right?  Perhaps the PLC needs an initialise to get things working correctly.

FYI, I also draw your attention to the way I use drum.  They are always an occasional part of the process, only called when needed.  My method is to have some, or all of the times as the maximum allowed, with triggers derived from the program that will force a step increase if the current step has been performed correctly/enough.  This way the drum is active only as long as necessary.  My physical conditions can vary significantly, with unusual hiccouphs in the process meaning the "master" timeout for each step is a must, essentially forcing things along to eventually end the drum or sometimes do it all again.  So my drum use is a little different to the way it is really intended.



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