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"Convert CSV TO UDTF" Ladder function returns "-4"


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I am fairly new in UniStream and still can't find my footing.

What I want to do is to store file first into CSV on SD, then to UDTF and later to read the UDTF file on a Data Table. But, when i try to convert the CSV into UDTF I keep getting "-4" as status.

I tried this function on the example for Data Table, with me first making a csv file with "Store DTI to File", next trying to convert the made file into UDTF, but the end status is "-4". I have read the CSV file on the computer, and it has what the original UDTF table has, so that should not be the problem.

Is there something I am doing wrongly? It would be great if someone could advise me on this.

Also, after rereading many times the help file, I have this question: why can't one write '0' for "Parameter E"? I agree, that if one converts the csv from a created file with "Store DTI to File", one should for sure delete the first column, so that the table could read the new UDTF. But what about if one makes a CSV file like the one in the "Log to File" example in the "UserLogs" folder?

I have attached the added rungs on the "Indexed Data Table" example I made. I am using USP-156-B10.

On the example HMI, I have added 2 buttons: 1st for Storing as CSV, 2nd for converting CSV into UDTF.


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Hi Ofir

Just for info, I'm having exactly the same problem with the convert from csv function.  I'm not sure if something has changed in the last couple of updates as I don't recall having this problem originally. 

I've tried using pulsed and open contacts as the convert bit but the results don't seem consistent.

Best regards



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