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Data Tables on a Time-Loop

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Hello all,

I'm working on Unilogic with a US5-B5-RA28 on version 1.23.25

My overall task is to monitor water usage from a pump house to an entire industrial complex. Part of this involves taking readings by time increments.

The user would like two different displays, one every 6 minutes with 10 readings per hour. As well as one every hour, with 24 readings per day. 

I have two questions about different aspects of data tables, an answer to any part of this post would help tremendously. 

First, how would one construct a looped timer to trigger a push and/or pop function every x minutes depending on my reading? I will attach my logic below with my attempt.

Lastly, is there a way to add the values that are in my data table? For example, the user would like the sum of all 24 hourly readings displayed, and on the new hour, pop a value and push the next value, affecting the sum however it may with the new value. That way, no matter what hour he looks at it, he has his last 24 hours of water use in front of him, same idea for the hourly sum, adjusted every 6 minutes. 

I am still very novice so please excuse my poor labeling or obvious oversights if there are any. I watched the webinar and read through the help files a few times, but could not find specific enough examples to finish my attempt. 


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Okay so I stumbled upon data samplers which have fixed intervals, now I am attempting to figure out how to store specific feeds into a data table in a way that fits my user's needs. I'll post my solution if i find one after lunch. Any input in the meantime would be very appreciated also. 


 Got what I needed from an Indexed Data Table. 

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