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Reading floats through Modbus IP

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I'm trying to communicate with another device via my V350. I'm using Modbus IP and I can successfully connect and read the 16-bit registers.

However when I try to read the 32-bit registers I get either some very small numbers, below was my best guess, but as you can see I get a very small number. (should be 32856.876) 

I would also like to be able to read the 64-bit registers if possible




All the best,




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  • MVP 2023

Further to Joe's response, use Modbus poll or similar on your PC to interrogate the device and see how the answers come back.  Much quicker than trying changes on the 350, and then points you in the right direction.



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  • MVP 2023


Decision at 1015 makes no sense to me given the number relationships in the table at the top.  I would be expecting the decision at 1014 if the values are 32-bit.  Is this perhaps a typo? Or am I missing something?  It wouldn't be the first time I've seen wrong info from a maker that completely screws up attempts to read things correctly.

I'd be doing Joe's thoughts but as 2 steps, with the 2nd step being the decision block into the MI as you have already done successfully.

But Joe does way more of this sort of thing than me, so will likely have a much better way.




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