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Trend To SD


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Hi. I'm using the "Strt trnd ->SD" to write trend data to SD card.  I can see that the first time of writing and reading to/from the card is O.K and I can see the data on HMI. The file size on the sd is very small (5K) even the sample is every 1 min. and the process lasted for 3.5 hours.

At the second time, after few hours (my process is very long) after about 5 hours, when i stop saving to the card, the "In Progress (OFF at Stop Trend): Start Trend->SD" remains in 1, and when i try to read from the card i get the "Trend load error bit".

when i look in the SD with the SD manager, i see only the 1st Process trend and nothing from th 2nd process.


Please Advice.



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