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Trouble initializing Ethernet Port


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We are trying to connect to a Vision V700 unit by ethernet for remote access, and to confirm the ethernet is working before starting the program block where we will be sending commands to another device over ethernet. The model I am trying to connect to is as follows:



Model Number: V700-T20BJ

Hardware Rev: A

O/S: 4.4 (04)


Every time we try to connect over Ethernet, we get the following error message:



Communication over TCP/IP could not be established due to one of the following:

*Cable connection is not secure.

*Incorrect TCP/IP Settings (IP Address, Protocol type, Port number).

*Connection is closed.

*The connection is currently being used by another program.

Check your cables and TCP/IP settings and try again.


I have checked the cable connections, confirmed that the PLC Name, IP address, and port number set for the PLC match those that the computer is looking for.

I cave confirmed that the UnCmDrv1.dll driver is installed on my computer. its last log message, timestamped to match my most recent remote access attempt, shows the following:


Record from CommDrive ID: 44812508 (Comm. Driver)
Error (242): Ethernet remote socket disabled.

Trying to read the SB values over a USB remote lin does not help much, as many of the bits assigned to ethernet protocols and statuses are annotated (not relevant for V700).

What am I doing wrong? Why won't an Ethernet-capable PLC connect to the company Ethernet network?


Thank you in advance for your assistance.

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  • MVP 2023

Do you have a ScanEX block in the PLC program for the socket with the Port assignment you are looking for? Is the Socket initialized to the correct protocol and port number, and as a slave? Are any of the eight sockets assigned to duplicate port numbers? Has the Ethernet card been initialized in the program? Are you trying to communicate over the same subnet as the PLC assignment?

If you are trying to connect with Remote Access, then you don't need the ScanEX or socket initialization if you are using Socket 1, which defaults to Port 20256 for VisiLogic and Remote Access communication. The other items I mentioned above may apply though.

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Do you have a ScanEX block in the PLC program for the socket with the Port assignment you are looking for? Is the Socket initialized to the correct protocol and port number, and as a slave? Are any of the eight sockets assigned to duplicate port numbers? Has the Ethernet card been initialized in the program? Are you trying to communicate over the same subnet as the PLC assignment?

If you are trying to connect with Remote Access, then you don't need the ScanEX or socket initialization if you are using Socket 1, which defaults to Port 20256 for VisiLogic and Remote Access communication. The other items I mentioned above may apply though.

I am trying to connect with Remote Access, and I am initializing the Card, and initializing Socket 1 to port 20256.  I know that last part is a redundancy, but I feel to keep important numbers "out in the open."  I have tried initializing the socket both as Master and as Slave, with no response either way.


Also, have you confirmed that unauthorized devices are allowed on your company network?

I spoke with our IT Manager, and he said he opened up the 20000 - 20999 block of ports for me.

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  • MVP 2023

Take a laptop to the PLC and connect directly to it with an ethernet crossover cable. If you CAN connect, then it's a network configuration issue. If you CAN'T connect and you've confirmed the laptop and PLC are on the same subnet, then you have a setup issue in the PLC. If that's the case, post your program here and someone should be able to help.

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The suggestion to ping the PLC turned out to my the tap on the shoulder I needed.

The subnet for the plant is XXX.16.1._ _ _

The PLC had its IP Address set to XXX.161.1.xxx

One typo had been giving me all this grief.  One. Lousy. Typo.

Thank you so much for your time and assistance.

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