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How do teams track changes with enhanced vision?

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I just started working on some inherited Visilogic projects with another team member at a remote location.

I'm trying to track and monitor changes between old versions of the project, but have yet to come up with a tool that gives helpful output.

I tried the included VisiDiff tool, but enhanced vision products are not supported.

I then tried WinMerge and the diff tool on our Subversion server, but the .vlp files appear to be binary, so that is no help.

Thus, my question is, how are teams or individual contributors tracking changes between revs or builds of the project?

Is there a different third party tool that could help with this?


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I have the same thought and I am really missing VisiDiff here.

Currently my workaround is:

- I keep every version in separate file.

- I add a "routine" for every version in each file, called "version changes V x.xx". This routine exists only of comment blocks where I describe what has been done.

- Mark new lines in a ladder code with a green background

- I disable lines instead of deleting them and mark them with a red background

- If changes are to be made within a  line/block, I duplicate the original line and disable its. The changes are made to the duplicated line which will be marked with an orange background.

- Add comments to those changes why I made those changes.


This way I can track down changes from one version to another within the ladder code. To find overall changes, I read the comments  block which describes all changes

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Thanks @Bisku

I like the idea of color coding and disabling lines in the ladder logic and will experiment with that.

I too added a subroutine for version changes which consists entirely of comments.

Do you do anything for the HMI screens?  There is no place for comments, so at this point we are just commenting the display changes in the Revision Changes subroutine.


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Same here. I describe the changes in my comment block. I guess that's all you can do.

I also export the HMI before doing changes in the past. If necessary I re-imported the HMI for revision, so I had both HMI-versions available. But I switched to a double installation of VisiLogic, to be able to have two projects on my screen at the same time. For me this was more comfortable in the end. Allthough I still miss the copy&paste-function here,

Still, I hope on fine day will come where Unictronics either makes VisiDiff working for enhanced controllers or they willl enable copy&paste functionallity for parallel VisiLogic programms...

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  • MVP 2023
5 hours ago, Bisku said:

Still, I hope on fine day will come where Unictronics either makes VisiDiff working for enhanced controllers or they willl enable copy&paste functionallity for parallel VisiLogic programms...

+1 & +1

Both of these items are at the top of my wish list, but I've just about given up hope.

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