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converting large utr files

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Normaly I use "SD card manager" and "Import SD folder" to convert utr files to excel.

This works for smaller files but with larger files it aborts the conversion and I get error message "Exception of type ´System.OutOfMemoryException´ was thrown"

How can I convert the larger files?



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Hi, we are familiar with this issue.

The created excel file requires a lot of ram for this amount or rows (near 1,000,000 rows). The SD Card Suite is compiled as 32 Bit, so it is limited to 2 GB of ram for the process (but actually, due to fragmentation, the error will happen around 1.2 GB).

Compiling the SD Card Suite as 64 bit is not possible since the Chart control is compiled as 32 bit (probably because it uses OpenGL).


We are checking few solutions, but I can't promise anything, and it will take time to check them and implement them. 


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