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Snap-ins Modifications Needed


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  • MVP 2023

Hi all, it  has been the subject of many topics, but a consistent issue is mounting problems with snap-ins.

Can the creators please truly-ruly consider implementing the following:

1).  Possibly incorporate screw fittings, depending on where you might go on points 2 & 3.  I recall someone finding that there was now extra plastic, or pcb clearance allowed, in later versions.  But I don't recall the logical arrival of screws actually happening.

2).  The main issue that I see is that the pins need to be made slightly longer.  This surely isn't a hard thing to implement on the PCB line.  Everyone who uses them has always noticed that the engagement seems to be on the last few mms, if that.  And as well, they always seem to be a very easy insertion.  Think how hard it was/is to plug in an IDE hard drive......this should in theory be at least the same.  Longer pins would help the issue, or maybe a better clamping female?

3).  Although the principle of the Snap-In is just that...ease of snapping it in......perhaps a better and relatively easy alternative would be a clamped ribbon?  I understand that this would bring all sorts of production issues and compatibility into play, but maybe it would be possible to have both types of connection in place so that users can choose whichever suits their hardware.  In the world of PCB assembly and component costs, this would add very little to the cost of the unit once the board changes needed was amortised.  Every PLC arrives with basic comms connection cabling, so that OEMS now have gazillions of them lying around.  Having a ribbon in a snap-in box would be much the same sort of thing and just an accepted part of the package, so that the user could fit what suits.  Once the change was initiated, it would gradually become the norm.  Perhaps the cable could be just like an IDE ribbon, connecting existing pin layouts without much change at all.

4).  Creators need to consider that each time someone has an issue due to the current poor implementation, that is likely to be one (or more) less customer in the future.   "Useless plc......jams up for no reason....bin it and go somewhere else....what a waste of time and money....tell Fred to stay clear of them".

cheers, Aus

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13 hours ago, Ausman said:

Possibly incorporate screw fittings, depending on where you might go on points 2 & 3.  I recall someone finding that there was now extra plastic, or pcb clearance allowed, in later versions.  But I don't recall the logical arrival of screws actually happening.

+1 Aus,  I've mentioned a couple times in the past that I have made up a drill template that I lay over the snap module and put some holes in it.

seems it's been a few years back when the PCB on the snap was changed to allow clearance in the corners, and screw bosses were added to the PLC's, so it seems there was a plan for screwing the snap on, but just never implemented. I would like to see the snaps delivered with holes in place, and a set of screws for mounting.

And as Aus said, the pins could be a bit longer also.




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