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Saving data table to csv file


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We are able to log sensor data to the data table, we record it once every 5 seconds. However, after 10 recordings we are trying to write the 10 lines to a csv file. (Ideally appending it) Firstly, appending just doesn't work (when we put the 1), the file doesn't update at all. When we put 0 to override, the values go in but only one and a half rows. Any ideas?


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We fixed the issue by just changing the name of the file so it created a completely fresh one, maybe since we were changing the number of columns in the data table as we were building and testing the program the csv file didn't like it no matter whether it was set to overriding or appending.

I guess we will just create a fresh file for each time we decide to add a sensor value as an extra column.


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