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Simultaneous Projects Open

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Hi All

Is it possible to have two or more projects open for editing at the same time.?

For example, I can use visidiff to find differences but since I'm only allowed a single project open it's impossible to copy and paste the differences from one project to another.

Have I missed how to do this or is it not possible?

It would speed my job up a lot.

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  • MVP 2014

Hi James,

It's not possible to open two projects. However you should be able to copy to clipboard, close the project, open the other project and then paste. I know this isn't as simple as we would like but it is at least an option.

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I have found that it is easier to export the subroutine that you plan on copying and importing it. The only thing you have to consider is memory allocation. This also allows you take information from new Visilogic versions and insert it into a project that is an older version.


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It is in fact possible to have multiple instances of VisiLogic open, but you still will not be able to copy and past between them. For what was asked about copy/paste, importing/exporting subroutines is the best solution.

However-- To have multiple instances of VisiLogic, one needs to copy the folder "Unitronics VisiLogic_C" from "C:\Program Files\Unitronics" and paste that copy somewhere else. You can then open up the file "VisiLogic.exe" from "Unitronics VisiLogic_C\Main" inside each separate folder. (The typical limitation is that only a single "VisiLogic.exe" can be opened at a time, but having a copied folder "tricks" and allows this.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • External Moderators

It is in fact possible to have multiple instances of VisiLogic open, but you still will not be able to copy and past between them. For what was asked about copy/paste, importing/exporting subroutines is the best solution.

However-- To have multiple instances of VisiLogic, one needs to copy the folder "Unitronics VisiLogic_C" from "C:\Program Files\Unitronics" and paste that copy somewhere else. You can then open up the file "VisiLogic.exe" from "Unitronics VisiLogic_C\Main" inside each separate folder. (The typical limitation is that only a single "VisiLogic.exe" can be opened at a time, but having a copied folder "tricks" and allows this.

I don't have this how, but I remember you have to change the name of visilogic too: visilogic2.exe

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  • MVP 2014

For the record, I was aware that it was "possible", but it's not really what I would consider a robust solution, partcularly when advising another person to do this. Who is that person going to blame if it gets them into a mess?

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  • 1 month later...

For the record, I was aware that it was "possible", but it's not really what I would consider a robust solution, partcularly when advising another person to do this. Who is that person going to blame if it gets them into a mess?

FYI, Having the second unitronics IDE open is an awesome time saver.

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