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PID...how to stop the autotune?


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I am using PID functions...and I thik to have learned how this works but I don't found a way to "stop/reset" the autotune procedure when active!?...i try to explain what i need...I am talking about a management of heating element...if I start the autotune (PID config status = 2) and the real temperature is not increasing (heating element broken or not connected) what I have to do to stop the autotune to have back its status as "0"?...I tried to set "0" the BIT to enable the Autotune UDFB but the status stay at 2...I have wait many minutes with the BIT "1" without increasement of the temperarute...also with the BIT as "0" but nothing happened....now that I am writing I thought..."this is not a problem...will be enough "load" again the AT values!"...what is the right way?


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