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Hi Mr and Mrs.

I have several reed switch (dry contact, normally open), connected in modules DI-IO16. In PLC have a function for counting the pulses. When reed switch is OFF the bit is 0, if ON the bit is 1, but, i need use some reed´s connected in a other digital board (way RS485 to communicate to PLC). The digital board work unlike the module DI-IO16. When reed is OFF the bit is 1, when ON the bit is 0.

For i counting the pulses is necessary use funcion negative transition contact (fall) or make a other function ?

Nice day for all

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Can you use a different counter for the second board and then add the two counters?

Mr Stein Yair

I talk with a saler off board, and they reply that is possible , upgranding a firmware change the bit if reed is off to O and if ON to 1.

Who i use modbus inputs in ladder funcion, because with a IO-DI16 i select "positive transition contact (rise).

For counter pulse using IO-DI16 i use only function "INC" and read in data table the MI relative to respective input.

Each input of the modbus module use only MI ? - For project that i talk i use Vision 1040 with 38 modules modbus (16 input per module).

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