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Looking for help! Urgent.

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Hello everyone,

My name is Dave Wilson, I own a small phone case company based in the UK.

I have recently just invested into a new Sublimation machine that requires heat and vacuum pressure in order to create a personalise effect to one of our case types.

I have purchased this machine and with no help from the supplier, struggled setting up and figuring out how to work the thing. All I do know is the machine is not heating up enough to complete the transfer process.

To cut a long story short,  I've been looking into this and realised it was programmed with a unitronics PLC. 

I need someone to help me figure out how to change temp control and vacuum pressure via the PLC?

I have tried contacting the supplier several times with no avail. I understand you can insert a sd card to transfer the data table and adjust temps, when I do so it comes up with "password missing" and does not let me transfer any data except from hardware. I am a complete novice when it comes to this kind of thing and just need some help.

I have navigated into system and seen the name Maurice as the programmer name. There is a Maurice118 on this forum which may just be a coincidence, but it would be nice to find out if it was him who programmed this machine.  I'm thousands of pounds out of pocket and just need some help so I can feel like I havent been conned.

Any help would be much appreciated.

Kind Regards






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Hi Flex727, 

Thank you for your reply.

No unfortunately not, i was not even given an instruction manual when purchased.

The model is unitronics v350.

I understand the programmer may have secured this with a password?

correct me if I'm wrong, complete novice and have no programming experience.



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  • MVP 2023

If you have VisiLogic installed, you can attempt to upload the project from the PLC. The chances are slim that you will be successful, as the programmer must take an extra step to allow that - the default is to not allow upload.

Without the original .vlp file you may not be able to proceed further without some documentation. If you have some understanding of how the machine works and how it is wired, someone may be able to re-create the program for you.

Hopefully I've overlooked something and someone will be able to chime in and offer some additional help.

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On 12/26/2019 at 8:09 PM, Flex727 said:

I'll PM you.

Hi Dave,

Are you making any progress?

Does the PLC have an SD card in it?

If you contact us (we are UK based) we might be able to get someone to have a look at your application. Just not to sure how quickly we can you some assistance as our customers (integrators) are only just returning to work.





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