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Scan barcode and print lable via one RS232 on Samba


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  • MVP 2023
In one of my projects, I measured the length of the material using an encoder.
The customer initially wanted to print the measurement results on a thermal printer (Zebra GK420d)  locally and be able to view the status remotely over the network.
However, after buying Samba SM35-J-T20 and conducting tests, he wanted to implement reading the order number using a barcode scanner.
I could not install the optional com port because it was replaced by a network adapter.

After testing with the printer, I found that it only needed two wires GND and TX.
The barcode scanner (LS2208  RS232) also work with only  two wires GND and RX.

By configuring this two devices at the same speed, I was able to connect them simultaneously on the same com port via Protocol FB.
For the printer, I used an example posted by
Ofir from the topic
I think for the readers of the forum will be a useful link to the online label generator
This helps to create a print label quickly and efficiently with minimum PLC requirements. 
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