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PLC flag on Remote Operator connection


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I have a Samba PLC application, and have for the first time connected remotely to a Unitronics PLC via Remote Operator to demonstrate the functionality.  I received a request to have a status flag or icon of some sort on the HMI screen to notify the local machine operator that there was an active Remote Operator connection.   

I looked in the System Bits but didn't seen anything that directly addressed this; similarly  didn't see anything in the help files unless I'm just looking in the wrong spot because I don't know what to call it. 


thank you, 



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1 hour ago, ray said:

SB148 not work on V700. Any ideas for the V700? 

The V700 has equivalents to all the Ethernet System Bits. In this case Socket Status Request #22 would return the value of 23. Go to the help file and read the topic "Vision700 - Using Ethernet".

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