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3D Pressed and Unpressed Issue

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I don't know exactly when it started happening, but I am having an issue with HMI objects that I have selected to be 3D Pressed in design time showing up as 3D Unpressed at runtime.

No matter whether I select Pressed or Unpressed, they always look Unpressed when actually running on the V570.

I even downloaded an old program that is working fine out in the field to the V570 and it is still not displaying properly.

I am using Visilogic 9.3.0 build 0

The V570 has OS 3.4 (00)

Boot 2.2 (05)

BinLib: 1-1.10 (00)

Factory Boot: 1.1 (01)

Any ideas???

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I can't recreate the phenomenon you're describing.

Please send the application to support@unitronics.com.

I suspect it is has something to do with the logic of the application.

Hi Stein,

It is happening with any projects I have. Even ones I did several years ago. It seems as though it is more tied to this version of Visilogic.



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I can't recreate the phenomenon you're describing.

Please send the application to support@unitronics.com.

I suspect it is has something to do with the logic of the application.

HI Stein,

I just created a new project from scratch. No logic at all except to name the PLC and initial the Ethernet IP address. Numeric entry defaults to "pressed" look. It shows as "Unpressed". Project is attached.


Pressed Test.vlp

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I can't recreate the phenomenon you're describing.

Please send the application to support@unitronics.com.

I suspect it is has something to do with the logic of the application.

Another tidbit of info. Using "remote operator" it actually displays properly on the PC, but not the HMI.

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Pretty pretty please, with sugar on top???

Ok, So I tried my secondary laptop. Windows Xp Pro SP3.

Downloaded a new Visilogic V9.3 off the web.

Installed the new Visiloigc.

Downgraded the Firmware in the V570.

Re-upgraded the Firmare to V3.4 (b0)

Created a brand new application.

Created one numeric entry on the main screen, linking it to MI0 and leaving all else default. "Pressed" is the default.



Still displaying as "Unpressed".

This rules out a specific application, a specific computer, a specificwindows version, a corrupt V9.3 install and just about anything else I can think of other than ..................

1) Bug in the software or OS.

2) I've completely lost my marbles (typically the explanation my wife prefers)

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Try to use OS 3.4 (03).

What happens when you create a button, and press it? do you see the difference between "Pressed" and "Unpressed"?

Can you attach a picture of the phenomenon?

Hi Stein,

Where do I get my hands on OS3.4(03)? I'm using the most up to date (as far as I know) Visilogic 9.3.0 Build 0. and OS3.4(03) is not an option.

"Buttons" are acting normally, you can see the change in state. Specifically, the one that is causing grief is the numeric entry with "pressed" selected.

Sure, I can come up with some pictures.



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Try to use OS 3.4 (03).

What happens when you create a button, and press it? do you see the difference between "Pressed" and "Unpressed"?

Can you attach a picture of the phenomenon?

It was difficult to take a pciture that shows it well. I changed the background to yellow to help make it stand out better.

The first pick shows the V570, Remote Operator, and Visilogic all showing the same screen.

The second just shows the V570 displaying in "Unpressed" fashion.

The Third shows Remote Operator displaying it properly, along with Visi to the right also showing it properly.

And ............... The pictures.




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And some more info ..............

No matter what object I choose



numeric range

Lists of texts


Timer Input

Counter input

The pressed property does not work on any of them.

Is there some kind of goofy system bit that can be causing this???

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  • 8 months later...

Hi All.

I tested attached application "Pressed Test.vlp" under VisiLogic 9.3.1 (which is acceddible to download for a monthes).


O/S: 3.4(40)

BOOT: 2.2(08)

BinLib: 1-1.10(01)

* Update files at VisiLogic ftom Help Menu->Check For Updates->Operating System

* Create an empty project and download it to V570.

* Check and update System Files at connected OPLC.

* Init and Reset OPLC.

Attached modified application "Pressed Test_2.vlp"

I see no problems with HMI objects.

I did tests with V1210 as well, but found no problems.

Does anybody have this problem with a last VL 9.3.1?

Pressed Test_2.vlp

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