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U90 - decimal points

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I have some analog inputs (temperature and pressure measurements) and I wanted to show them in decimals.

Picture of one of scalling is attached. So, my MI11 is displaying as whole number, but I need it more precise (one decimal point).

In my situation, when I enter that pump power off after pressure is higher than 5bar, it shuts off after 4.5bar and that makes me problems...


I tried to change how it shows in display variable format, but I can't do anything as my result of scalling is whole number, right?

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Thank you for the reply. I'm not currently near office to try that, but...

If I understand you well - when I multiply my scaling x10, in my case that will be MI11, istead of (for example) reading of 5bar, I will be getting 50bar, so when I put decimal place, it will be 5,0.

In that case I didn't get anything...

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 8/14/2020 at 4:54 PM, Flex727 said:

Sure you did. If your scaling is 0-5bar and you put 0-50 in your linearization block, then your resulting value after linearization will be in increments of 0.1bar.

I'm sorry I didn't write earlier. Thank you very much for this tip, I got exactly what I needed.

Once again, thank you.



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