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Can I use a 24vdc output from another plc (Allen Bradley) to input into my V1210?

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I use UniCan between my Unitronics V1210s, but a new project requires to get signals from an Allen Bradley plc that I have no access to. I am not willing to pay the crazy $$ Allen Bradley wants for just this project. Currently they have a bunch of relays even between the AB plcs.  Is there a way to share the 0v on all the power supplies and just use the inputs/outputs to talk to the machines? Thanks in advance.  

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  • MVP 2023

First you must post hardware present with V1210.

Yes i think you can connect PLC via input output.

But before you must write on paper all needed i/0 signals and check is it 24vdc used for all on AB.

Please remember that you can read all AB outputs with V1210 inputs without problem.

But you cannot send signal form V1210 outputs to AB inputs directly.  You must use some DIODE or RELAY logic for correct signal processing.

For example if some input on AB is ENABLE (like "1" = 24VDC) - you cannot send to it "0"=0VDC without some add cirquit.

Best solution - use relay with NO and NC dry contact and use it to ON, OFF or SWAP signal.


By the way i recommend to use isolated digital inputs and outputs on V1210 side powered from AB PLC side.

This sound like:

1) Connect 0V isolated digital inputs V1210 to 0V AB common but do not connect it to 0V V1210.

2) Connect 24VDC outputs to V1210 isolated digital inputs.

3) Use external interface relay for all outputs and make possible to use AB in normal working mode with disconnected V1210.


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