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USP-070-B10 how to disable VNC client


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  • MVP 2023

USP -070-B10 panel used as VNC client started with black screen.

I prepare recovery DOK with 1.28.58 firmware as this version it used for program PLC with the same panel+CPU as server.

After sucessfull recovery - USP -070-B10 show Connecting  frame and do not connect with server PLC.

I try to disable VNC client mode but as i see it is not possible. Connecting frame still on screen.

I can select System, Network, Utilites at time approx 0.5 sec after start and Connecting screen lock all function.

Machine work with server PLC but remote panel do not work now. Maybe something wrong with settings now but i can't chane it.

Unilogic say Download and Online mode are not supported for USL and Unistream PLC's acting as ones.


Any idea? Maybe i lost something in manual or help?

How to disable VNC on USP?


P/S Change firmware for another version do not change panel behavior.

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  • MVP 2023
1 hour ago, DanT said:

Can you get into the UniApps  from the Screen and check the VNC Settings?

No, screen react only for 0.2-0.5sec. and i can only change System, Network, Utilites menu but no information  prsent.

Connecting frame run on screen. UniApps start not posible. All touch is interrupted by  Connecting frame. Also try with mouse... no result.

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