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USC-B10-B1 Firmware trouble


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Support don't answer, I need help.

USC-B10-B1 so far i have used version 1.30.62 Unitronics UniLogic  everything is fine.
I downloaded version 1.31.106 today. This error occurs several times after each update, not even the PLC goes.This is an error message.
I put back the old version it works fine.
Thank you in advance for your answer.
  Regards B.A
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  • MVP 2023

The screen basically says all that is needed.

There is a saying on the forum that if you don't need to update, don't do it.  If you need a particular feature that is only available in a later version, by all means update, but be prepared to possibly change something using the later version you use.  Although in the Vision forum, this pinned post says it all.


cheers, Aus

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