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SAMBA + SERVO LX32A (canopen)

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  • MVP 2023

Hi, as i see you use one of my sample code for start with LX32A.

You must set  proper TPDO3 and RPDO3 address in CANopen configuration FB for node 2.

After configure connections you must follow State transitions table (see p.165 fildbus command operation)


State transitions sequence for velocity mode present on your pic.

Any question in PM. 

Maybe useful topic


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Thank my friend.I edited my code a bit. And I managed to connect, initialize, set values (ACC, DEC), but unfortunately I could not edit the velocity (velocity) and start the engine. I am physically signaling (power enable) /And in the photo it is not clear what commands are needed to start the engine, and power enable.



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  • MVP 2023


you must configure command and speed setpoint sorce (terminal, fieldbus).

You must use proper command sequence for selected command source for follow State transitions table.

For terminal and fieldbus this sequence is different and if you whant to send control command via terminal - then Enable power stage must be done via terminal.

If you use only fieldbus command - Enable power stage  is possible only if proper read - write PDO messages is performed. RPDO3 TPDO3 in your case.

User must send command and read status. Otherwise drive do not change operating state (Schneider fieldbus state machine safety).



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